When Should You Use Full Face Masks? Explained with Facts!

Most CPAP users start with full face and nose masks. There are different varieties for both. These include gel masks, gel pads, nose pads, and more. Both face and nose masks are helpful and they can effectively deliver CPAP once adjusted by a healthcare professional.

Before Choosing the Mask

For first-time CPAP users, it is important to remember that branded face masks are an integral part of your therapy, regardless of whether the face and nose are full. Once the mask is selected and proven to fit it well, users can feel the difference in their energy levels. Most users report high energy levels almost immediately.

CPAP Therapy

However, the full effectiveness of CPAP therapy can only be achieved by wearing a suitable mask. Full face and nose masks make a huge difference in conducting air pressure. This means that if the nose is blocked for any reason, such as a cold or an allergy, the nasal mask may be less effective. In addition, the user suffers from discomfort, which makes the mask almost unnecessary.

Adherence to therapy or compliance is one of the biggest challenges users face. Regardless of the nose or face mask, the user must ensure that they continue to use and continue to use CPAP therapy. Sometimes it may be necessary to try several types of masks before finishing the mask.

Different Kinds of Masks

For others, their environment may be a mandatory test for different types of masks. This means that the demand for a mask varies greatly for someone living in an area prone to colds and allergies. If a person has a blocked nose and is transitioning to breathing through the mouth, then a full face mask will be helpful. The difference with these masks is that you can breathe through your mouth with full face masks, but this is not possible with nasal masks and pillows.

Full Face and Nasal Masks

Each of them has different pros and cons. In the nasal mask mode, users cannot get the most out of the airflow when they block their airways. This is why some users prefer a full face mask. Also, when they are more likely to breathe through the mouth on a regular basis, they may prefer full face masks instead of nasal masks. The key to optimal mask performance is leak control. This is best ensured by ensuring that the mask makes contact with the facial skin.


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