Mechanics of Singing #1

 Everyone can learn to sing—anyone at any age willing to train for their sport. That’s right, singing is a sport and should be approached with that idea in mind.

When athletes train, they do exercises meant to target muscles they’ll need to develop to be the best at their chosen sport. In vocal instruction, we train with exercises that build up, and keep limber, the muscles needed for our greatest performance.

In singing, your whole body is your instrument. We can break that body instrument down into three categories: the mind, the body below the neck, and the throat. Your mind is active in directing your throat and your body to achieve the desired result. The body is supportive of the mind and the throat in producing the best possible sound production. The throat takes the mind’s direction and the body’s support, grabs a lounge chair and a Mai Tai and kicks back to enjoy the outcome!

That’s because when we sing correctly, the throat is most relaxed. All the work going on in the brain and the body below, allow a relaxed throat to produce its greatest, richest sound.

Tomorrow I’ll go into the foundational exercises that allow for this relaxedness to take place.


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