The method used to obtain raw data, and then using specialized tools and techniques to sort
and manage that data form the field of data analytics. There is a wide variety in the approach to data
analysis, but the goal is to make data manageable.
Use of data analytics makes business decisions less risky, and employs a more scientific
approach to problems. These techniques can be useful in a number of domains such as business, social
science and research and development. Data modeling is another term used for data analytics.
The first step to analyze data is to understand the requirements of data. The type of data,
whether categorical or numerical, the classification of data and its volume must be clearly specified.
Next step is the collection of data. This focuses on obtaining data that fulfills the requirements specified.
It also works to obtain clean and accurate data that would aid in making decisions. The data is collected
from varied sources. It may be obtained from an existing database or from raw sources.
If the data is obtained from the raw sources, it must be processed and organized into a
database. This processing of data requires special tools and techniques. The data thus processed may
contain flaws or errors. These problems include duplicate data, unreliable data or incomplete dataset.
Data cleaning refers to the technique of solving all these shortcomings and presenting data in a
workable format.
Raw data which has undergone processing, cleaning and organization is presented for analysis.
Depending on the type of data, qualitative or quantitative analysis is performed. Data Visualization
techniques use, graphical data, whereas statistical and data regression methods work with numerical
data. The conclusions drawn from data analysis are used in decision making.
The data that has been analyzed need to be communicated to the user in a simple format. Data
visualization such as graphs and charts help present data in a clean and simple format. Feedback from
the users may generate additional data which may further require processing.
A new system is being put to test where the energy requirements of a building are automatically predicted and utilized. Various techniques of data analysis are used to improve the security, energy consumption, lighting, heating, ventilations and air conditionings are optimized to save on water and energy in a building. This concept is still under development.
Data analytics is being used in the field of education to gain better insights in the education
system. Large volume of student data, including grades, attendance, learning proficiency could be
examined for patterns. This system also assists teachers and mentors to individually track the progress
of each student. The curriculum can also be designed to challenge students in a more efficient manner,
rather than the traditional rote learning system. Data analytics can also provide students and mentors
with career consulting based on past performances, and by taking feedback on student interests.
As mentioned above, data analytics is a career with many job potentials. While a person may
know programming, data analytics requires a more rigorous training. Data analytics certification courses
in Banglore make data analytics easy and simple to learn.


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