392 Year Old Shark

There are so many shark species out there in our oceans that some sharks go unnoticed. One of which is the Greenland Shark. Not much is known about these sharks except that not much is known about them. They are incredibly elusive and keep to themselves. Which I am sure many people are grateful for. 

In the Arctic Ocean, a 392 year old Greenland Shark was recently discovered. Isn't that insane? That means the shark was swimming through the Ocean back in 1627. Oh, the things it has seen. Or not seen? I guess they don't really see much, especially these guys. These sharks are the longest living vertebrates on Earth! They can be found off the northern coast of Ireland. 

Scientists now believe these sharks may be able to live up to almost 500 years old. Could these sharks hold the genetic key to a long lasting life? Maybe, but lets hope we don't find out by disturbing them or their habitat. How about we leave these guys be. I wish this 392 year old guy luck out there, he is the wisest of us all! 


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