The Art of Public Speaking #4


In our last installment, I wrote about the the 1st point to remember in public speaking: to radiate confidence, poise and success while speaking. That in so doing it relaxes the audience and allows them to fully receive your information.

The 2nd learning objective is: Minimize nervousness.

Why do we get nervous? What’s the difference between a conversation and a presentation?

Minimizing nervousness is about:

  1. Turning anxiety into positive energy

  2. Not expecting perfection

  3. Having a solid grasp of your topic

  4. Focusing on your main point

  5. Breathe!

  6. You can overcome the fear of public speaking, with a game plan based on two basic elements: 1) Having an accepting attitude toward your fear; 2) Having a willingness to be The Speaker, rather than The Unspeaker.

We’ll get into the details of these ideas next time.


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