Caffeine Addiction

I’m one of the college students that consume over the recommended caffeine amount of 400 milligrams every day; which is about 4 cups of coffee. 

As a veteran caffeine addict, I don’t even wanna think about how much I’ve consumed in the last year alone. I’ve trained myself to need caffeine to get up, go to class, workout, and just function. 

I rely on caffeine a lot and I really do notice a difference in my mood and how awake I am when I don’t have caffeine. One time, my friends and I were driving to LA from San Diego. Everyone was super tired and none of us wanted to drive. I became the designated driver. I was super tired and was running on no caffeine. I was super scared that I was honestly gonna fall asleep at the wheel. I chugged a Monster, and maybe it was placebo but it woke me up and helped me on our 2-hour drive. If I chug caffeine late in the afternoon, I usually can’t sleep so I take a Melatonin but then I’m sleepy the next day and need caffeine. It’s basically a cycle. 

Daily caffeine consumption can become a physical addiction and promotes behavioral addiction but does not threaten health the way that drug addiction can but that doesn't mean it's a 'good addiction' to have.


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