Ocean and Stars


We live about 18 minutes from the ocean. We’re so close yet I don’t take advantage of it often enough. There’s nothing more powerful or more relaxing than to stand on the beach at night, listening to the pounding of the waves while looking at the stars. It really helps to put life in proper perspective.

With the awesome power of the ocean at our feet, and the majesty of the stars above, how can we be anything but transfixed by the wonder of it all!

As a young girl in Vietnam, I would often play in the water near our home. My imagination would wander through all kinds of pretend scenarios, offering me hours of enjoyment.

Recently I went on a cruise to Ensenada, Mexico with my sons and another mom and her sons. Standing at the rail, listening to the sound of the boat as it pushed its way through the ocean, the sound of the water slapping the hull, was so calming. I looked up at the stars, which I could see much more of—being away from both light and air pollution, and it almost made me cry at its beauty.

With the smell of salted wind in my face, the and the tapestry of the stars above, I was reminded both of my childhood play and my life at home standing on the beach. We’re surrounded with such power and beauty in nature we become blind to it. We need to regularly refresh our minds to the joy of discovery of the awesome grandeur around us.

Do yourself a favor, drive to the ocean at night and just stand and listen. Then open your eyes to see what stars you can see. Then thank whatever higher power you believe in for the blessings you’ve received.


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