Bleeding During IVF – What's Normal and What Isn't?

In-Vitro Fertilization(IVF) is a process that is used to help couples who have trouble with getting pregnant. Here, eggs are fertilized outside the female’s body and put back inside the body to help facilitate the conception. 

Bleeding during pregnancy can be incredibly scary. It might signify that something is very wrong or it could be nothing at all. In IVF Treatment, patients are up to 40% more likely to experience bleeding during some point of their pregnancies.

The thing that’s very important to remember is that many women actually experience bleeding at some point or the other. However, they still continue to have an entirely healthy pregnancy.

Many women make the critical mistake of assuming that the second blood appears, a miscarriage is inevitable. However, the most important thing to do is to stay calm and consult a medical professional for help. IVF treatment in India is actually very common and although not foolproof still has an excellent track record in the country.

What’s Normal?

During the course of your IVF treatment, there will be a couple of cases of bleeding. This is because the nature of your treatment itself is very invasive and can cause a lot of stress on the body.

1. Spotting or implantation bleeding:

Bleeding during your first trimester and just after the embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall is completely normal. During the attaching period, there will be a rupturing of the lining, and that causes some bleeding. While you should report any unusual bleeding to your doctor, spotting alone is not necessarily a good or bad sign. Spotting that occurs halfway through the two-week wait is sometimes attributed to what’s known as implantation spotting.

2. Sub-Chorionic Haemorrhage/Hematoma:

 Now although this may sound like a dangerous thing, a hematoma is the pooling of blood between the uterine wall and the membrane of the embryo.

3. Vaginal Infections: 

These are incredibly common during pregnancy and can easily be treated.

4. Post sex bleeding: 

Sometimes, there might be a little bit of irritation caused due to sexual intercourse. This is treatable and doesn’t mean anything is wrong with your embryo.

What’s Not okay?

1. Frequent Spotting between or before your Period:

 Spotting before your period is usually associated with endometriosis. This is a disorder wherein the tissue lining the uterus beings to grow outside.

2. Heavy Bleeding:

 If you have a heavy flow of blood, comparable to that of your period its essential to consult a doctor right away. If your doctor isn’t available right away, go to the nearest emergency room. 

3. Spotting accompanied by cramps and pelvic pains:

 Normally, cramps are part and parcel of early pregnancy, but if the pain increases, this is not an ordinary sign.


An IVF treatment in India doesn’t come cheap. It also isn’t the most foolproof procedure available. So when it comes down to it if there’s something that doesn’t make you feel comfortable or has doubts about calling your doctor right away.


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