Summer Coffee Recipes When You Just Can’t Get Enough

Ah, summer. The air is warm, the sun is bright and there’s iced coffee fueling everyone in sight. It’s also the perfect time to try something new and change up your typical cup of coffee. These summer recipes might be the only thing worth getting out of bed for if the sun is already out and the temperature is starting to rise.

Start Your Day Well-Caffeinated

There’s nothing wrong with opting for a cup or a can of cold brew in the morning. But maybe you want to set aside the staples you’ve had a thousand times before. You want to venture outside of your coffee comfort zone while still making sure you get your caffeine fix.

Whipped Coffee

Also known as Dalgona Coffee, this is a fun way to get even more caffeine than you were prepared to drink. This version uses strong coffee to make your heart race. Whip together your favorite instant coffee, sugar and hot water until it reaches a thick consistency. Then, plop your whipped coffee on top of a glass of milk and ice and enjoy levels of deliciousness you didn’t know existed.

Coffee Ice Cubes

Freeze your favorite coffee in an ice cube tray. This is a super easy way to add a little something extra to your cold brew.

Try Them Both

If you’re feeling really adventurous, you could even try combining the two. The whipped coffee will get you totally jacked on caffeine, and the ice cubes ensure your coffee gets chilled by more coffee. Best of all, you can pretty much kiss sleep goodbye forever.

Satisfy Your Hunger with Caffeine-Infused Meals

During the summer, the days are longer, which means you might actually have to eat food instead of surviving solely off different forms of coffee. Here are some of the best coffee-flavored recipes to give you a little more sustenance.

Raspberry Coffee Smoothie

If, for some inexplicable reason, you didn’t know that raspberries and coffee made a perfect pair, they do (and it tastes so much better than strawberries and coffee). Blend up some raspberries, chilled coffee, a frozen banana and a scoop of coffee or chocolate-flavored protein.

Chili with Coffee (and Beer)

Try making your favorite chili recipe with coffee and beer instead of vegetable or beef stock. There are plenty of recipes online, so find one from your favorite coffee blog.

So, maybe you do need to consume something other than just coffee. Well, these recipes cover all your bases, and you can literally live off them if you needed to.

Try Coffee-Infused Accoutrements

This section could be filled with a ton of things like BBQ sauce, chili paste, garlic aioli, but there’s only one that really matters.

Coffee Butter

For this recipe, you’ll need heavy cream, sugar, coconut oil, espresso-ground coffee, salt and unsalted butter (or skip the salt and simply use salted butter). Simmer the first five ingredients in a pan, then chill and combine with whipped butter.

The best part: Butter. Nuff said.

Cool Down with a Sweet Treat

Coffee and dessert are a match made in heaven. Mostly because coffee tastes great with everything, but also because “everything” includes chocolate and cream.

Coffee Icebox Pie

Recipes for this no-bake pie use cocoa, chocolate, heavy cream, a graham cracker crust and, of course, coffee. If that doesn’t scream summer, what does?

Caffeinated Coffee Ice Cream

Make real ice cream (none of that bogus, healthy nonsense). Use whole milk, sugar, coffee beans, a dash of salt, heavy cream, egg yolks and vanilla. Don’t forget the coffee, and you’ve got a bowl full of perfection.

Start your day or end a hot afternoon with a chilly, sweet treat. Or do both, because you can serve coffee with high caffeine with breakfast, dessert—whenever you want it.

Even the laziest, most unmotivated, absolutely slug-like person could try at least one of these summer coffee recipes. If anything, they give you an excuse to stay out of the seasonal heat.

Oh, sorry, I can’t go out today—I’m making coffee ice cubes. It’s a process.

You’re welcome.

About Death Wish Coffee Co.

For a caffeine kick in the pants to get your legs jumping and your heart pumping, you need highly caffeinated coffee from Death Wish Coffee Company. These coffee roasters are on a mission to provide you with the World’s Strongest Coffee. With their amusing blog posts, passionate podcasting and idiosyncratic coffee T shirt offerings, the whole shebang lends itself to a total coffee experience. To enhance the enjoyment factor, Death Wish Coffee Co. uses USDA Certified Organic, Fair Trade Arabica and Robusta beans for perfectly smooth and flavorful coffee that courses through your veins like a bat out of hell. With 300 mg of caffeine per cup, your brain might say that’s enough, but your taste buds will say hit me again.

Try these recipes and stock up on coffee with high caffeine from Death Wish Coffee Co. at

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