Why you should consider creating Uber for Tutors app?

It's almost Uberized everywhere. Right from small to large-size enterprises, everyone is trying to integrate Uber-like model to provide their service on demand. The same is now being applied for the educational industry too. The global education market is flourishing now. This is the right time if you are planning to start a Uber-like service to generate revenue.

Since this concept is fresh, you can definitely give it a try. Famous Universities like Standford, Harvard, Wharton have started to fund knowing the growth. If you think in which way you can generate your revenue, then here we list some specific where you can concentrate.

  1. Commissions: Introduce premiere services and add-on services to charge your buyers when the demand is high. 

  2. Affiliations: Partner with the existing giants of the educational industry to generate more leads and make your app more credible. 

  3. Training programs: Create a platform for tutors who wish to do part-time jobs. You can increase your standard through this.

  4. Advertisements: This is the best way to create revenue, but this will take long until you have enough traffic for your site.

Apart from these, you can also integrate innovative features to enhance the usability like adding Chatbot API, blockchain for secure payments, ML for analyzing customer behaviors, etc. Once you have planned what to have in the application, approach a developing partner who can offer you on-demand tutor app at a reasonable price. 


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