A Relatable Superhero

As the first MCU movie to take place after the events of Avengers: End Game, Spider-Man: Far From Home gives fans an insight on the results of  “The Blip,” that Thanos had caused. Peter Parker continuously doubts his decisions in his love life, personal life, and super-hero career. Tom Holland manages to make Peter Parker a relatable character to teenagers by making the character believable. The character’s constant responsibilities of being an Avenger are in the way of his desire to be a ‘normal’ teenager. Does he help save the world or enjoy his summer trip?

This resonates with me, personally. In a less dramatic way, it always feels like there is something to worry about whether it be school or career fears. These fears get in the way of me being able to enjoy anything going on for me in the present. I’m in college - something I always looked forward to, but usually I’m not enjoying being in college. My problems are obviously very different from Spider-Man’s, but he is universally a relatable character among any young kid or teenager. 

Tom Holland differentiates himself from the past Spider-Man actors [Toby Mcguire and Andrew Garfield] by making his character believable. Peter Parker is a ‘normal guy,’ who is sucked into an unreal storyline thanks to Tony Stark and the Avengers. He lives a Hannah Montana lifestyle where the glamour is lacking. He has to find his way through multiple extraordinary experiences while still being a teenager trying to find his way through life. 


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