How to Pick the Right Media for My Campaign?

Creating a good marketing campaign can take a lot of work and dedication from a team of workers. Whether you want to do the work in-house or you are looking to work with a full-service marketing agency, there are many pieces of the puzzle that need to fit together. While you are looking at all your options, you may be curious which media channels are the best for your campaign. Some good options include:


Outdoor Marketing 

Outdoor marketing will include options like bus wraps, grocery carts, office windows, and billboards to name a few. These need to be simple because the customer will only be able to see it quickly as they pass by it. The goal of these is to let the customer know who you are and what services you offer. This is best suited when you want to build up brand awareness.


Social Media Marketing 

Social media is a method that lots of companies use to help drive sales and reach more customers. If you are not on social media, now is the time to do it. It may not help you reach every marketing goal, but it can be useful for quite a few of the goals that you have in place. This marketing tool is good for creating reciprocity, positioning yourself as an expert, helping to stay top of mind, and to build awareness of your brand so it can reach many marketing goals.


Email Marketing 

While email marketing does not have the same power as it did in the past, it is still an option to consider when creating a campaign. Emails, when done right, can be personal, but you have to be careful about all the distractions. This is a good method to use to help build relationships, to help yourself look like a trusted expert, and to stay top of mind.


Print Marketing 

Print marketing still has a place when it comes to reaching your customers. Often this is associated with valuable content so you do need to make sure that everything in it will provide value to the customer. This is important when trying to create a sense of reciprocity, create relationships, and to help stay at the top of mind for your customers.


Chat or Text marketing 

This is one of the best options to help build bonding relationships because it is so personal, but it does require that the user knows how to do them properly. This is a good way to reach back out to past clients to show you care. 

Choosing the right media for your campaign is one of the best ways to reach customers and make the biggest return on investment when it comes to your advertising dollars. 


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