Wintel Engineer Description

When PCs or laptops based on the Intel microprocessor run a Microsoft Windows operating system, we generically refer to such architectures as Wintel. People who work in such environments by supporting users and resolving their issues are Wintel Engineers.

These engineers configure and install all server hardware, including the Windows OS and products procured from third-parties, onto the systems. They build, configure, assess, and recommend hardware and software.

They should possess above average analytical and fixing skills. Engineers own and run an issue with minimal intervention from others ensuring all relevant parties are informed on time.

Moreover, engineers should have excellent written skills because they would have to document their organization’s troubleshooting capabilities. Since this profile involves working in an environment where they operate mission-critical applications, they need to be able to remain calm under pressure.

They should be conversant with the creation and management of virtual machines and server configurations on networking, clustering DNS, SCCM, SMTP, SCOM, etc. Professionals should assemble and manage DHCP and DNS and fix issues related to them.

For ensuring that engineers meet operational level agreement (OLAs) and service level agreements (SLAs), they should follow relevant IT processes, find solutions to minimize operating costs, improve customer experiences, and must devise processes, methodologies, and documentation to make sure that they are providing high-quality customer support

Read More : Wintel Engineer Description, Salary, Job Role


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