My Short Story

There was a girl named Lucy,she was a 25 year old college student who lived in Texas. She had an amazng singing voice. Everyone in her family loved it when she sang.They always told her to go and try out for American Idol, but she didn't believe that she could make it in. So Lucy just stayed in her college choir. She was so insecure of her voice.

Lucy thought that she wasn't good enough for American Idol or any other singing show. At night time she would just stay up and imagine being a star,but she knew that dream could never happen. She told herself that she will always be just a regular Texas girl. But she didn't know what was coming. One day while Lucy was in college her parents secretly signed her up for American Idol.

A night before her parent were watching t.v and saw a commercial for American Idol,they were doing auditions. So once Lucy came home from college she got the big news. When she heard the news she was so excited and nervous.She couldn't believe that her parents did that without having her permission but she got over it.The auditions were in two weeks.

Lucy was getting prepared for American Idol. She wrote her own song and everything. Finally the day came. Lucy was super nervous she coudn't believe it. She felt like she was dreamimg.  They started heading to the auditions. Once they arrived they registered and got a number.

Lucy was number 30. They had to wait for a long time until it was Lucy's turn. They finally called her number.Lucy took a deep breath and went in. When she went in she greeted the judges and started singing. The minutes she sang the judges were so amazed,they loved her voice. Once she finished the judges stood up and clapped.

All three judges gave positive feedback. They had accepted her and Lucy couldn't believe it. Her dream had came true. She went out and happily hugged her parents. They were all so happy. After the auditions they went to celebrate at Lucy's favorite restraunt. Lucy thanked her family for believeing in her,even though she didn't beleive in herself. From that day on Lucy's life changed forever.

                                                     THE END


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