7 Good Reasons to Use the Cable Cross Machine

Exercise is good for your body and soul. It keeps you fit, which makes you feel good, and that’s good for your soul, too. But with plenty of workout equipment out there, it can be tough to decide which one should be your next buy. If you’ve never tried a cable cross equipment before, though, here are seven reasons why it should be next on your to-get list.

It Does Everything

Are you looking for an exercise machine that you can do free weights with? Or are you looking for a versatile piece of home gym equipment? Do you want to focus on multiple angles or directions? Do you want to work on more than one muscle? Then the cable crossover machine is going to prove a Godsend to you.

Reduces Gym Time

Efficiency is key. You don’t have all day. What you want is to see better results but with less gym time. The right equipment can help with that. By using a cable cross equipment, you can isolate a muscle group and work on that portion exclusively, allowing you to see faster results instead of just going with every exercise that seems to target all your muscles but does little to improve them.

Good for Rookies and Pros

Whether you’re just starting out with this equipment or you’ve tried it for several times, or you’ve been doing workouts for years, this is a good piece of workout machine to have. You can set up the free weights for more advanced routines while the beginners in your household can use the machine sans the free weights. That’s hitting two birds with one stone.

Get Unilateral Body Workouts

A bilateral exercise involves use of both the right and left side of your body. Unilateral exercises, on the other hand, works on one side of your body at a time. If you have a muscular imbalance between both sides of the body, you can isolate a part of your body to work on what the problem is and fix that imbalance.

Challenge Your Core

Using a cable cross machine helps you activate your core muscles. If you want to work on your abs and lower back or your hips and obliques, then this is the machine you’ll want to use. Most gym machines provide support for you and lock your body into place, so you can’t work on all the muscles you want. The cable cross, though, allow you to do more of the work, so that means more workouts for your muscles, too.

Freshen Up Routines

Do your old routines with the cable machine and they’ll feel like new old. There’s nothing like boredom to suck out the energy from your sessions. By making your routine new again, you can improve your energy levels and see better results.

Look Awesome

It looks intimidating at first. But when you start doing it, you’ll realize how versatile and wonderful the machine is. If you love getting results and having fun, then you know what to do. Think about getting this for your home gym.  


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