Sea your step

Sea Urchins

Sea urchins, called wana (vana) by the Hawaiians, are common on the floor and rocks of just about everywhere. There are several different types of sea urchins within the Hawaiian waters. Each has its own unique name and characteristics. Some are dangerous but most are not.

Their spines are not toxic, but are sharp enough to be painful if stepped on. Most sea urchins are seen on hard surfaces like rocks and coral reef. The pain goes away shortly and if soaked in hot water, they dissolve in a few days.

Here are some of the shells we collect while diving. These sea urchins are as fragile as egg shells. To find one whole and then get it home is a little luck and skill.

Heart urchins (potato urchin) are relatively small animals that are usually not more than a few inches in diameter. They live under the sand and we have yet to see one living. To find one lying on the sandy bottom is rare. We seem to only find them in certain places too.

The designs that nature comes up with are truly amazing. Maybe even a little alien looking. We thought at first these were small baby turtle shells, see the under side.

You might even notice the leaf pattern on top, marijuana leaf?

They do have a cousin, Sand Dollar Sea Urchin. You can find these along the beaches of California; we have yet to see one in Hawaii.

Come swim with us, watch your step.........................Aloha


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