Tavarua Story

Tavarua story.


I remember significant days, the day JFK was shot, the moment I woke up to 911. I also remember the first wave I rode a Restaurants, Tavarua Fiji. Changed my life as a surfer. Their was only 8 guest on the island, I had just been introduced to Shish-kabobs low tide, Cloudbreak. After a little Tavarua medical treatment, 1/2 lemon squeezed into my knee, I paddled out to Restaurants.

My friend Scott was out with boatman Rawaqa, my turn, (it is a one person wave) I drop in and was deep in a soul changing experience. In a flash, Rawaqa drops in too, he is backside, I am facing the wave. He is giving me the Fijian laugh (HEHEHEHEHE). I am thinking, if he falls, I am dead. He pulls out and I continue on for the longest, most perfect wave of my life.

Bula Rawaqa.



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