P.E.A.K. Performance #3


In yesterday’s blog on P.E.A.K. Performance Practices we looked at how Passion drives our abilities toward success. Also how it naturally draws others to us through passion’s contagious effect. People want to be a part of things that are successful. If you drive into a new town you’re not familiar with and come upon two restaurants, one busy and the other not, where will you choose to eat?

The one that’s busy, right? There’s something about that place that’s drawing a crowd. Either the food or the experience is amazing. We naturally want to be a part of that success to see why it’s so attractive to so many. It’s normal to want to be a part of the “IN” crowd. People want to be a part of the sizzle that’s happening now. Knowing that, let your personality and passion sizzle! Then watch what happens in your life.

The next key characteristic in ascending to your P.E.A.K. is: E - for ENTHUSIASM


Knowledge may be power, but enthusiasm pulls the switch! What we know matters less than how we deliver it. Enthusiasm helps us reach higher and push harder to achieve the goals we want. Enthusiasm is attractive. It too is contagious.

You might think that passion and enthusiasm are the same trait. Not so. Passion drives enthusiasm. The two together drive effort. Passion is what gets us on the road. Enthusiasm keeps us driving. It’s dynamic and, most importantly, it builds emotion. We can motivate others with our emotions. Emotions influence decisions and create momentum.

Truly great things can happen when we radiate enthusiasm. Enthusiasm and emotion beget momentum which draws and motivates a crowd to join in. Once that happens it’s like a snowball rolling down a hill gaining in velocity and volume until it’s unstoppable!

Be that unstoppable snowball. Be the sizzle that’s so attractive people come to see what’s happening, then want to be a part of something so successful.

One caution: Even though enthusiasm can trump knowledge, it’s knowledge of what is and what can be that keeps enthusiasm moving forward in the right direction; have both!


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