P.E.A.K. Performance #4

 We’re halfway to the summit of understanding the key characteristics in our P.E.A.K. performance practices. In the previous blogs we covered the first two attributes that help us ascend to the heights.

  1. P – Personality / Passion

  2. E – Enthusiasm / Emotion

We learned that Passion is not pride. Passion is not about personal gain through self-promotion. Passion is having a personal fire that burns from within, reaching out to draw in and positively impact those around us. That its purpose is to further the cause we and others are committed to. That by leading with our hearts, being passionate about the power we bring, capacitates change in our work and living environments.

We learned that by living with enthusiasm, truly great things can happen when it radiates outward from within. That enthusiasm and emotion beget momentum which draws and motivates others to join with us. That when that happens, whatever we are in pursuit of becomes like a snowball rolling down a hill gaining in velocity and volume until it’s unstoppable!

Now let’s continue climbing. The next key characteristic in ascending to your P.E.A.K. is:  A – for AUTHENTICITY


Businessman, child actor, and Leadership Theorist Lance Secretan said, “Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet - thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing - consistently. This builds trust, and followers love leaders they can trust.”

 Honesty and directness make you more approachable. The confidence others feel toward you increases in equal measure to how transparently genuine you are.

You can do all the right things necessary to be successful in life and business. You can be picture-perfect in your life behaviors, leading with clear and understandable direction. You can set-up and deliver on promises and expectations in both your business and personal life. But if you’re not authentic, your prospects for actual realization of your life plans will fall flat. Others will see and feel a disingenuousness in you and won’t trust you enough to truly partner with you.

So what does it mean to be Authentic? How does that translate to others if we are or if we aren’t? That’s the subject of our next installment.

Don’t worry, Authenticity is not weakness. True authenticity is strength!

Until tomorrow then…



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