The Genius Behind Bandersnatch

Imagine have infinite retries and second chances in vital life decisions. Wouldn't that be something? The ability to rewind time and redo something in your past. One could essentially live without regrets. 

Black Mirror's Bandersnatch, released in December 28, 2018 explores that very concept of second chances in an interactive movie. The watcher would follow the life of Stefan Butler, a video game, crazed developer, who aspires to make his own game. The developing game is based on the book Bandersnatch by Jerome F. Davies. Luckily for Stefan, he meets a famed video-game producer, Colin Ritman, when he tries present his game to a company. Colin helps Stefan in many ways, but most importantly he shows Stefan that there are second chances in life (going so far as to jump off a building) and that Colin must ultimately do what he thinks is best. There are many different "routes" the user can take throughout the movie, leading to different endings. Some endings lead to a "break-the-fourth-wall" concept where Stefan realizes his life is being controlled externally, and that he has relived certain situations. The ultimate ending consists of Colin's daughter, grown up, developing an interactive film for Netflix called Bandersnatch. Similar to Stefan, it is shown that she too starts to experience branching, alternative paths.

Such is life, where one choice can ultimately lead one down a completely different path. But one may never know if that path is different prior to a choice since we can't relive to test it. But wouldn't it just be interesting, chaotic and unnerving if we could?


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