Our President's First Trips Abroad

President Trump made some trips over the weekend that have a great impact on the American people. What has happened will benefit the United States greatly. Saudia Arabia can be a violent country, and they have money and influence throughout the Middle East. Diplomatic relations with them would be wise on our part as a country. The Saudi king seemed to be very happy with what happened, and the press at the country seemed to have a very positive outlook on it. This may end up being a friendship that will help us fight off ISIS and bring some sort of peace in the Middle East.

Something I have been excited about is the meeting in Rome and with Pope Francis. i am a very devote Catholic Christian, and so when I heard about this I was pretty happy. There have been reports that President Trump does not care for what the Church teaches, and what the Pope says, however, it seems like he is actually trying to talk to him. This also helps President Trump with his relations with Catholics. He needs those people because if the Catholics band together they can make any election go any way they please, as there are so many Catholics in America. It is also important to note how recently students at walked out on Vice President Pence at a Catholic University. Hopefully this will help heal some of the wounds that have been tore open.

So, with these two trips, we see that the President is actually trying to help our country. In one way he is helping through the use of diplomatic relations with another country and the other is healing the divide within the country, mainly that of the Catholic community. God job Mr. President!


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