Oxygen is important for human survival. However, oxygen reacts with bodily fluids to cause oxidation. Oxidation is the creation of free radicals inside the body that leads to degeneration of tissue and cells. In layman terms, we call this degeneration the wear and tear of the body. If the wear and tear happen at a faster rate, it takes its toll on the body. The body becomes weak and susceptible to various microbes like bacteria and viruses. That happens because immunity is shot down due to weakened body tissue and cells.

Lowered immunity is especially problematic during seasonal changes. When the weather shifts, the microbial activity increases, and the body, being susceptible to infections, becomes the perfect host for all sorts of disease-causing agents. In this vulnerable state, it is difficult to perform daily chores. The weakness further results in even more bodily degeneration. In order to boost immunity and reverse the adverse effects of oxidation, there are naturally occurring compounds called antioxidants. Food and other herbs are usually the best sources of antioxidants.

Antioxidants neutralize the reaction caused by oxidation, and thus, decreases the damage caused. They promote regeneration of cells and tissue and rids the body of free radicals. This process is called immunity boosting. Immunity boosting is nothing but increase in the rate of T-cells, the body’s killer cells that fight the action against bodies. There are multiple herbal immunity boosting supplements in USA to fight against such illnesses. 

Stated below are the few herbs that are used to boost immunity and are easily available as natural immunity boosting capsules in USA. The list goes as follows:


Neem is one of the most prominent medicines in Ayurveda. The literal translation of the word ‘Neem’ means the destroyer of all diseases or reliever of all diseases. The name befits the qualities of the herb. 

  • Neem is a cooling agent, providing body coolness from within and reduces the chances of a heat stroke on an especially hot summer day. 

  • The neem tree is known for its quality of purifying the air. It absorbs the pollutants and produces more oxygen as compared to other trees. 

  • In rural areas of Asia and Africa, Neem sticks are used as a mouth cleaner and fresheners by chewing them. They keep the mouth free of bacteria and gums healthy. Neem is one of the best-known antioxidants. 

  • It helps gain back the immunity lost while keeping bacteria and viruses at bay. Neem also has blood purifying and body detoxifying effects, making it even more healthier to consume. 

  • Although the bitter, astringent taste is not all that pleasant, there is the availability of natural immunity-boosting supplements in USA for the same. 

  • Neem is good for the skin as well. The blood purification helps with the microbial inflammation of the skin. Cosmetics use neem for their usage in acne reduction. 

  • Application of a neem concoction on minor wounds, cuts, and skin inflammations provides a soothing, antiseptic effect and helps the wound heal at a faster rate.


There are multiple herbal immunity boosting capsules in USA, all of them produced by different brands that contain different herbs. One of the most prominent herbs found in the majority of these supplements is Indian gooseberry or Amla. Emblica Officinalis is a deciduous tree and bears fruits once a year. The small yellowish green fruit may not look like much but it sure packs a punch. Ayurveda works on the principle of ‘tri-dosha’ (three bodily humors) and Amla is one of the rare herbs that manages to balance all three of them. This rare medicinal quality of Amla makes it special and is almost always a part of immunity boosting supplements. 

  • Amla supports lymphocyte functioning in the body which is responsible for maintaining the immunity triggers of the body. Here, T-cells are created by the lymphocytes. These T-cells are part of the human immune system and help the body fight foreign elements. 

  • Amla helps in increasing the red blood cell count.

  • Amla is responsible for equal and appropriate distribution of lymphocytes and blood flow throughout the body.

  • Amla is a rich source of vitamin C, iron and calcium. Other nutrients in Amla include vitamin A, B, E, K, and phosphorous.

  • Amla is used in hair care products. The antibacterial effects of Amla help fight dandruff.

  • Amla is known to reduce triglyceride levels by 66% and LDL cholesterol levels by 90%.

  • Amla also helps in fighting the fatty liver condition by reducing phospholipids by 77%.

  • Amla prevents the body from the effects of free radicals.

  • Amla improves blood circulation. Better blood circulation paired with vitamin C strengthens the hair follicles and improves hair quality while reducing the rate of premature gray hair.

  • Amla is also known to have certain anti-aging and vision-improving effects.


Chlorella is a single-celled, green colored, rapidly growing, fresh-water algae. The dark green color symbolizes a high amount of chlorophyll present in its composition. Since it belongs to the algae family, chlorella has a hard-walled cell which cannot be digested by humans. Therefore, chlorella has to be taken in supplements. Easily available in capsule, tablet or powder format, this alga is also used as one of the biodiesel fuels. The rapid growth rate is a great boon to the scientific society. One of the main characteristics that make chlorella famous is that it is nutrient dense! Here are some of the health benefits of chlorella consumption:

  • Chlorella is termed as a super-food due to the presence of multiple nutrients at a high rate.

  • The amount of chlorophyll in chlorella makes it an excellent detoxifying agent.

  • It is composed of 50-60% of protein and contains all the nine essential acids required by the body to function normally.

  • Other nutrients present in chlorella are vitamin C, vitamin B12, iron, omega 3s and a wide variety of antioxidants owing to its nature.

  • The minerals found in it comprises of magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, potassium and folic acid. It is also a good source of fiber.

  • Chlorella enhances liver, kidney and brain function by reducing the toxicity caused by heavy metals. 

  • Presence of different antioxidants helps in boosting immune function.

  • Some claim that chlorella reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels and enhances heart functioning.

  • Increases body stamina and endurance.

  • It improves the hormonal cycle and aids digestion.

  • It may also improve vision and help manage respiratory problems.


It is extremely important to stay healthy, stay fit and enhance the immunity to be battle ready at all times, so that when the germs attack, the body is ready to fight any microbe and maintain the healthy exterior. Moreover, a healthy exterior begins with a healthy interior.


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