Issac Teu

Back to the life of Isaac Teu. Growing up as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints The young man of the church are always encouraged to complete a two year service mission. On the service mission you are required to serve away from home where you will be doorknocking and Street contacting trying to find people who will listen to the message that we have to share.

My friend and I were getting ourselves ready at the same time and as we submitted our papers to confirm our interest in serving, his response was that he would be serving in Puerto Rico South America. I remember us being so excited and nervous at the same time, myself especially because I was so worried about learning a new language. About a week later my calling came back in the mail and to my delight I was Called to serve in the Melbourne West mission.

When I tell most people the story they always think I got the short end of the stick to which I always reply that’s exactly where I wanted to go. The main reasons are it’s hard enough to serve a mission in the first place let alone having to learn a new language and also being so far away from home but nothing scares me more then having to eat weird food.


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