Financial Crisis in Churches

        We often think that Church is super rich and they should do more things for community. But we barely realize the financial crisis several Churches go through. It clearly written in the Bible that everyone should give 10% of their income as a tithe to Church as an offering to God. It is really sad to realize that many people and households are not following this tradition. This leads to major financial crisis in Church which limits them from doing more compassionate deeds. Since last decade or so, the giving in the church has decreased even though the economy has been increasing every day and year by year. People sometimes forget that it is their generosity through offerings that help Church is stable financially and do work of compassion.

        When financial situation is really tough and unmanageable within the Church, then pastors and clergy are forced to discuss their worries with congregation. This open discussion regarding money often damages relationship with Church members. When pastors deliver sermon in front of congregation with enthusiasm on giving and raising funds, then members of the Church start thinking negatively about the main objectives of the Church. They think that Church is more focused on making money than to preach the word of God and show love to people. But they do not realize that it is impossible to run a church without good source of income. To have a good pastor and good Church auditorium at a good location with modern technology facilities requires big bucks in this generation.

        The best thing Church can do during financial crisis is be honest with the congregation. If there has been any money mismanagement then it has to be owned honestly. Entire congregation has a right to know how the money from the giving’s used. It is impossible to have financial stability in Church without the support of generous congregation. Church members should be made aware in timely manner about their responsibilities towards their Church and the offerings they should give to God on a regular basis. Planning mission trips in the third world countries where majority of people live in poverty can be very helpful to raise awareness among the Church members to give generously. The moment congregation realize that their offering is not just for Church but for God and people in need, then there can never be a financial problem in Churches.

        Getting Church out of financial crisis is not an easy job as the debts keep on piling during the struggling phase. But one all the necessary steps are taken then Church will benefit in the long run. It is very important for Church elders and leaders to fulfil their responsibilities and handle money with integrity and ethically. Entire congregation needs to stand with the Church during the tough times and help Church to come out of the tough times. 


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