Effects of Yoga on Mental and Physical Health

“Yoga” comes from a Sanskrit word which means ‘union.’ In yoga, one can have physical strength gain, meditation, and breathing techniques which help in giving the muscles more strength and helps in relieving the stress. It includes:

1. Meditation: It helps in increasing your mental intelligence. It is done by taking a huge breath inside and humming the word “OMM” with a controlled release of breath.

2. Physical postures: A various number of physical postures in yoga are present for both internal and external body parts, and that should be performed according to one need.

3. Breathing techniques: Breathing is the main part of the yoga. Breathing must be done in a controlled and calm way while doing yoga.

4. Body control: While doing certain postures in yoga you need to stay in a particular position for a particular time. By doing this, we can improve our body control.

5. Mind control: The breathing techniques help in giving you complete control over your mind and improve your concentration along with mental peace.

Why is it important?

Now, all individuals are running behind the money. The competition of getting better than the other is more important than one’s health. In this process, they forget about the stress that they give to their mind and health. The sleeping time their habits of eating all get affected due to this busy work time. And when we neglect this for our work ultimately, we get health issues. Yoga is the best way to overcome all these issues.

From thousands of years, yoga has been practiced as a philosophy of life. It is performed in the form of exercise to make general health better, helps in reducing the stress, and improves the flexibility of the muscles and giving strength to the muscles. Yoga is also used as a treatment for the physical therapy and rehabilitation of injuries.

By practicing yoga, we also have benefits like

·         Inner peace:  When we perform yoga, an inner peace prevails in our life. Calmness comes when we breathe during the yoga.

·         Health benefits: Our blood systems in our body get a boost when we perform yoga. It makes our body healthier and allows us to have more control over our body. It makes our lungs, liver, heart, muscles and digestive part more efficient.

·         Improve concentration: By doing meditation in yoga, we can boost our concentration power.

·         Mindfulness: It creates happy emotions in our life which is most important part of our life.

·         Flexibility: It improves our body flexibility and makes our muscles less stiff.

·         De-stressing: It takes away stress from our mind and makes our mind free and calm.

·         Respect: It teaches us to give respect to all and help us to have a divine light too.

·         Well-being: Yoga makes us overall a better human being.

·         Perspective:  Yoga gives us a better view of the world.

·         Easy: Yoga is the easiest form of exercise. It can be done anywhere anytime. It does not require any form of equipment. One can easily learn and practice the yoga in their convenient way.

Summing up the effects of yoga, we can see a huge boost to our physical and mental power. Yoga helps us to become a better human being. One must perform yoga every day; it leads us to live in harmony with a controlled mind.  Also, some people join yoga teacher training in Rishikesh to learn different yoga poses and benefits of yoga.


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