3 Things to Do Immediately After an Accident

With automobile travel being the norm in the United States, accidents are inevitable. But a lot of accidents are preventable—drivers just need to exercise reasonable care and diligence while on the road. We’re all told to avoid accidents, but there’s not a lot of information out there pertaining to what one should do after an accident occurs. Knowing this information before an accident occurs is especially important because the moments following an accident can be scary and disorienting. Also, any post-accident information you have can affect your potential compensation.

If you’re involved in a car accident, here are three important things you should do after the accident occurs to protect yourself and your interests:

1. Act Immediately:

The first thing you must do after an accident is stop the car. Driving away from an accident, even a minor one, is a criminal offense. Turn on your hazard lights and check yourself for any injuries. (If you’re traveling with passengers, check to see if they’re injured.) If possible, get out of your vehicle and check on the other driver(s). If you only have minor injuries, make note of these—the other driver(s) may file with insurance.

If the accident is a major one and a lot of people are hurt, call 911 immediately; don’t forget to ask for an ambulance. Do not attempt to move any injured persons for you might worsen their injuries. Stay calm and do not lose your temper. Take deep breaths until you regain composure. Do not apologize for or admit to doing any wrongdoing—your words may be used against you.

2. Make an Accurate Assessment of the Scene:

While you’re waiting for first responders to arrive, make sure you have an accurate record of the accident—you have to recount the accident as it happened and to the best of your knowledge. If you’re not sure about something, say so; don’t give any false or misleading information. Take pictures of the accident scene and of any vehicles involved in the crash; get pictures of involved vehicles’ license plates if you can.

These pictures will come in handy when you make a claim with insurance. If someone has witnessed the accident, talk to them; take down their name, address, and contact information.

3. Consult Your Attorney:

Protecting your rights is very important after an accident. That’s why we suggest consulting a Florida accident lawyer. They will guide you through the process, making sure valuable evidence is not lost. Insurance companies try their best to wriggle out of settlements, and they do whatever they can to reduce claim value. They’ll also employ several tricks to complicate the process. For instance, they may want you to record a statement immediately after the accident. Anything said in this statement, even that which is seemingly innocent, could be used against you. You are well within your rights if you wish to delay recording a statement. Before making a formal statement, consult an experienced and knowledgeable attorney.

To learn more about your rights and what the proper course of action is after an accident, call a Fort Lauderdale injury lawyer.


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