As it Turns Out, Trump and Harvard are right!

In the first 100 days of his administration, the media has seized every opportunity to condemn Trump. Harvard affirms this with a recent study. The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard published a studythat showed that CNN and NBC had 93% negative reports, CBS 91%, New York Times 87%, Washington Post 93%, Wall Street Journal 70%, and Fox came closest to fairness at 52%. 

This negativity was present in discussions of every major issue including health care, immigration, international trade, the economy, and his personal background. 

Researchers commented that coverage of Trump “was negative even by the standards of today’s hyper-critical press.”His comments have been twisted to sound demeaning in many instances and every move he has made has been taken apart by TV news and newspapers. 

This is not the first time that the media has shown such prejudice, but it is the most extreme case. Nothing seems off-limits. 

One unexpected finding from the study is that BBC’s coverage was less negative than any American news, at 74 % negative.The reason for this one-sided coverage? First, controversy sells papers and heightens ratings for news programs. 

The reason for this one-sided coverage? First, controversy sells papers and heightens ratings for news programs. Second, no matter if you agree with President Trump or not, he is never a boring subject!


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