Best Practices While Using a Window Cleaning Gondola

Window Cleaning can be quite a precarious job if you have to go very high up a building. These are some of the best practices that you need to follow while making use of a window cleaning gondola.

Checking the weight of cradle

It is important to know about how heavy a cradle is, so that you can determine it is very close to your weight range. Keep in mind that the cradle is supposed to bear not only your own weight, but the bulk of your tools and other necessary stuffs as well. It is better that you choose a Window Cleaning Cradle that is much higher than what your weight range is.

Carrying spare tools along

It is a good idea to take spare cleaning tools along, so that even your original ones fall down, there is no need to go down anymore. Many of the accidents occur due to hurrying with jobs and the unavailability of proper tools and high rise building window cleaning equipment can hamper the job. It can disturb workers enough to try to come down fast, thus ignoring the basic safety rules and putting their lives at peril.

Wearing anti-slip boots

Slippage accidents are waiting to occur at any time, and in the US alone, many slip and fall from window cleaning platforms occur every year. This is true despite Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) laying down proper safety precautions for workers to follow. You need to wear anti-slip boots before going for window cleaning.

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