World Autism Awareness Day #WAAD

Today is a day unlike any other, it is a day that highlights a disorder that affects millions of individuals and families. The stats say 1 in about 59 children are affected in some way. I have never had to experience autism within my family, however I have seen countless friends and other families living with someone affected by autism. I have seen the two different sides of humanity when it comes to autism. First, it’s the side of humanity that pays no attention, and doesn’t care at all about another human’s life. Seeing others treat individuals with autism as if they weren’t human, but like something beneath us as if as an individual you weren’t perfect you weren’t one of us “humans”. Secondly, looking at the other side of the spectrum, I’ve seen the selfless, humble individuals that have the utmost compassion for these individuals suffering from a disorder that they were born with. I have experiences with both groups of people and without a doubt I can say that our view on humanity gets blurry when something isn’t normal or perfect. It’s said to see because I have meet some of the most amazing, caring, inspiring individuals living with autism. To know that those individuals, my friends, are treated poorly is something inhumane. I am not writing this to donate money to find a cure, I am writing this to open the questions about our humanity, What are you doing to help someone else? Have you ever treated someone else differently because of something that is out of their control? What will you do now?

I grew up with the mentality “Treat others the way you want to be treated”. In other words, why treat someone else differently when they treat you with love, kindness and respect.

To end today’s blog, Think about how you could change someone’s day or maybe life by just treating them the way you want to be treated. Put a smile on someone’s face it doesn’t cost a thing to give a compliment.

If you’d like to find out more about Autism please click here:

Thank you for reading, check out tomorrow’s blog on National Walking Day.


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