Your Signature, Your Value

Our signature represents not only our name, but also our values, and our honor. Whether it be on a legal document, an honor statement, a prescription, or something as simple as a check or credit card receipt, the piece of paper bearing our signature automatically becomes our commitment to adhere to a certain set of standards.

We sign our names often enough that it becomes routine. But signing a document is not simply writing one's name on a piece of paper. Our signature means that we agree to the conditions outlined and also agree to perform the actions stated in the document we sign.  By signing we pledge to follow the rules and also pledge to accept the consequences if we fail to do so.  It is both legally and socially required of a person either to uphold their end of the bargain or to assume responsibility if they don’t.

Our signature is, in fact, unique to each one of us. Even though I have the same name as my father, the same letters in the same order, our signatures, though similar, are quite different.

In the same way your signature is personal to you, your work place has an individualistic signature in the way they do business; something that sets them apart from other providers in their space: Their Process. As employees, we are granted a license to “sign” on behalf of our company in how we interface with our customers. How do we use it responsibly? By using it appropriately. By maximizing our unique talents and abilities. By using them for the best purposes of our company.

The Freedom to be YOU!

Too many people look at their company’s process, or way of doing business, as restrictive rather than empowering. Employees say they are “made” to do things, or they ‘have” to do certain things a certain way. But if we turn our thinking around and look at it from another angle the exact opposite might be true. We need to find the freedom in our job and exploit it in a way that turns an onerous job into an exciting opportunity for creativity!

You were hired for your skills, your communication abilities, and your talents. Find the freedom in doing your job in a way that stretches you and shows just how great you are.

Imagine this scenario; picture yourself at work and you’re given an assignment to drive a different way home every day for as many days as you can find alternative routes. The end result is the same everyday—you get home. But HOW you got home was different!

How many routes could you come up with. 5, 10, 20, More? I believe if you think it through, you could find dozens of routes you can take. Obviously, there would be some that would incorporate portions of the same roads, but with many, many off-shoots and circuitous routes that though impractical, you could use if needed.

Now picture that same process in your work responsibilities. How many different ways can you think of to accomplish your work responsibilities that would lead to the same end result, but through different means? In doing this kind of exercise, you might surprise yourself by thinking of a new, more productive or effective way to perform your duties! We naturally form habits that become ruts in our lives. It’s only through awareness and conscious effort that we pull ourselves out of our routines to examine how we can better perform in our daily habits and requirements.

Your uniqueness in building your understanding makes you more effective. Because that’s what will happen when you begin to think creatively about your job performance. You have to think differently, therefore do different research or look at and think through different approaches. In short, you gain understanding, you become smarter, more valuable. A better employee, yes, but a better commodity for yourself! Suddenly, through your difference, you set yourself apart from the rest. The more you expand on this, the more you impact your co-workers and by extension, maybe even your company.

How would it feel to be the taproot of a groundswell that alters the way your company works?

Strike your signature and that of your company, your family, your circle of friends in every decision you make and in every action you take. Put John Hancock to shame and sign your name with flair!


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