Friday July 8th (sad)


My Daughter, my little girl does not wake up everyday and put on a uniform thinking she is going to shoot someone today. What happened in Minnesota and Louisiana was tragic. What happened in Dallas was criminal and coward, and chicken shit. There is a war brewing, it is violence begets violence. My daughter wants to live a happy, serving life. Do the things; dream the things that everyone should be thinking about. When she walks up to a car with a broken tail light, domestic dispute, or taking a donut break, I want her training, common sense, guide her to make a professional decision. Not the stupid situation forces her to make a deadly choice. It is just a job, a thankless job that has death attached to it. At the end of the day, I want her to go home, live a long life, no matter what the people on the other side of the badge do or say. The officers in those two states last week have to live with their actions, I am sure they wish they could have a do-over.


A very proud Father


PS.  Just this year, 2016, the city of Chicago has had 2071 Black on Black shootings, 309 resulted in death. Where is the outrage Black Lives Matter or Any Lives Matter.


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