What are the tips to keep your blood sugar under control?

You suffer from high blood sugar when your body is unable to transport sugar from the blood to the cells effectively. It leads to diabetes when left unchecked. Diabetes is a highly common disorder that a majority of men and women suffer from these days. The problem is that diabetes is one of those diseases that cannot get cured; it can only be kept in check by controlling your blood sugar levels. So, here are a couple of tips that will help you in keeping your blood sugar levels under control.

Make sure you exercise regularly

Exercising will help you in losing weight and increase your insulin sensitivity. Your cells will be better able to use the sugar available in your bloodstream. Exercising will also help the muscles to use blood sugar for muscle contraction and energy.

Control your carbohydrate intake

The body breaks carbohydrates into sugar, and the insulin moves the sugar to the cells. Eating too many carbs while having problems with insulin function makes this process fail, and the glucose levels go up. Having a low-carb diet helps in controlling blood sugar levels and prevents spikes in your blood sugar.

Increasing your fiber intake

Fiber slows down sugar absorption and carb digestion, which makes sure that your blood sugar levels stay under control. Some of the foods that should be a part of your regular diet include whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water will be helpful in keeping your blood sugar levels within limits. It will prevent dehydration and help the kidneys in flushing out the extra blood sugar through your urine. Drinking water helps in re-hydrating your blood, reduces blood sugar levels, and thus, lowers the risk of diabetes.

Aim for portion control

You need to control your portions for regulating calorie intake and healthily losing weight. Controlling your weight promotes healthy levels of the blood sugar, and reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Take your medications regularly

If you have diabetes, you need to make sure that you take your medications like lixisenatide on a daily basis. Missing out on the daily doses, as recommended by your doctor, increases your risks of a sudden spike in blood sugar. So, set a reminder on your phone if you have to, but make sure that you never miss your medication even for a day.

The ones who are at high risk for diabetes, or already have it, need to be very careful about their lifestyle and food habits. Make sure you follow these six tips on a regular basis to ensure that your blood sugar level stays in check.


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