Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Methodologies

Data can be of great help for business, professional, and personal needs. Meaningful insights can be extracted from data by various strategies such as pattern recognition, direct experience, mathematical models, and more. This can all be done with the help of machine learning.

Machine learning lets computers learn meaningful insights from data automatically, make appropriate decisions, and keep learning from past data and experiences. In a nutshell, it is providing the ability to machines to learn on their own. This article will introduce you to different machine learning methods and the comparison between artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Machine learning methods

  • Supervised learning algorithms

These algorithms take previously experienced data as input. Learning the patterns from this data. When any new data is given as input to be categorized, the model predicts the output with the help of past data. The data used to learn patterns is known as the training data. The new data is known as test data.

An inferred function is produced by the algorithm which is capable of predicting the output. After successful, sufficient training, the model will be able to predict correct results. The model modifies itself by comparing the actual output and predicted output and making necessary changes.

  • The unsupervised learning algorithm

When any previous data is not available for the training the model, unsupervised machine learning algorithms are used. It takes unstructured data as input, tries to find the hidden structure of this data, then it predicts the result and finds new categories based on the unstructured input. It is not necessary that the algorithm derives the correct output, but it draws inferences from data and finds the hidden structures from this unlabeled data.

  • Semi-supervised learning algorithms

As the name suggests, this kind of algorithm falls between supervised and unsupervised algorithms. The training data given to it as input consists of labeled data as well as unlabeled data. Such types of algorithms are used to improve learning accuracy.

  • Reinforcement learning algorithm

These types of algorithms interact with the environment in the form of rewards and errors. When the decision is taken as positive, a reward is given to the algorithm, in the form of feedback. When a negative decision is taken, an error is given as feedback to the algorithm. It helps the algorithm to determine the appropriate behavior that is needed

Machine learning and artificial intelligence

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are the two terms that are always intertwined with each other. Actually, machine learning is one of the techniques used to achieve artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the field that makes a machine perform the task that requires human intelligence.

This is the basic aim of machine learning. Hence, machine learning can be considered a subtopic of artificial intelligence. The common tasks included in AI and Ml are planning, training, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and creativity.

Resource box

If you are interested in trying various machine learning methodologies and algorithms as mentioned above, along with real-life applications, machine learning training in Bangalore is the best option for you. It will also give you a briefing about AI and ML integration.


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