The Cure of Curology

If you can relate to struggling with acne, it's frustrating. I've been dealing with acne since high school and have spent a lot of money trying tons of different skincare products. I had no control over the scars and redness on my face. I went to a dermatologist for 4 years, which helped my skin, but not enough. Then I heard about Curology, a company that makes customized skincare products for you online. It was being talked about by Youtubers and friends who said it worked well for them. I was hesitant to try it because I was scared it wouldn't work for my skin.

Around more than a month ago, I signed up for Curology and had them customize a bottle for me by answering questions about my skin and sending them pictures. I had faith in the product because it really did work for all of my friends, and they provide you with a dermatologist that you can contact online through the website. Curology makes going to the dermatologist extremely easy! I was really excited to try it because they are really detailed with how they customize the bottle for you and explain why they customize it that way.

After about five weeks now, Curology has helped my skin greatly. I'm still a little new to trying it so I will have to wait a few more weeks to get to where I want. I recommend it to anyone that is sick of dealing with their acne.   


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