How Much Should You Feed Your adult dog With dog Food?

A question that’s a nightmare of every pet parent ‘ How much is enough?’. Actually, there is no right answer to that. There is a number of factors that decide how much and how often your furry friend should eat. Every Puppy has its own unique nutritional needs. It’s hard for us to exactly gauge the level of hunger and to top that dogs seem always hungry, so it’s all confusing.

As a caring pet parent, you don’t want to feed them more than their body requires or giving them less food which can lead to malnutrition. Getting your little buddy on a proper diet schedule isn’t an easy job and that’s why we’re here to help you. In the following, you will find several criteria which decide their appetite. 

Dog diet on the basis of weight!

It’s the simplest way to estimate how much your dog should eat every day. Measure out your buddy’s diet on the basis of its body weight. Naturally, smaller dogs need less food than larger ones, but let get into more details and talk numbers!

Note: You need to be 100% sure about the weight of your dog’s weight and in which size category they fall in exactly - small, medium, large. Not having a grasp on your dog’s weight could easily get you the wrong idea of how much you should feed them?

 Dogs under 5kg

The dogs under 5kg are also known as toy dogs. One can easily spot a toy dog because, despite their tiny size, they have big personalities which makes them stand out from the crowd. Breeds: Pomeranian, Havanese, and Terriers.

Toy breeds should eat:

        1/3 cup per day if they weigh 2 kg or less

      ●        1/2 cup per day if they weigh 4kg or more


 Dogs under 10kg

There is not much difference between a toy dog and small breeds still, it’s important to know the difference. So you can make sure you’re feeding your pup a properly balanced dog diet.

Breeds - Boston Terriers, Dachshunds, Shih Tzus, and Pugs can all be considered small dogs.

Small breeds should eat:

        3/4 cup per day if they weigh 5kg or more

        1 2/3 cups per day if they weigh 10kg

 Dogs under 20kg

They fall in the medium breed category and the more the weight the more food they require.

Breeds: Australian Shepherd, Bull Terrier, and Collie.

Medium breeds should eat:

        1 3/4 cups per day if they weigh 13kg or more

        2 2/3 cups per day if they weigh 20kg

Dogs under 45kg

It shouldn't be surprising that these gentle giants put away a lot of food each day.

Breeds: German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, and Bernese Mountain Dogs

Large breeds should eat:


        3 1/2 cups per day if they weigh 30kg or more

        4 1/2 cups per day if they weigh 45kg

   There are several other factors like age, health condition and activity level which you should also consider while deciding the portion of their meal. To know more visit here.


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