Ode to Edgar Allen Poe

I saw a sock adhering

I saw a sock adhering to the sweater I was wearing,
just as I was then preparing, preparing, as I was, to leave;

‘Twas in early morn I saw it, by the light of yonder closet,

The light illumined said deposit sticking there upon my sleeve.

Stopped I then in mid-ablution, shocked I stood there in confusion,

For I found the brash intrusion was, indeed, a sock of mine;

O, how tragic was that meeting, for my trust began retreating,

From the purchased fabric sheeting bought to quell such static crime.

Gazing down upon the fleece, I plied my hand to its release,

I found it came away in peace, apart now from my woolen blouse;

Then I stood with question begging, holding that unfettered legging,

Where to leave it without egging anger from my sleeping spouse!

I’m hesitating now to mention how my faculty’s invention

led me from once pure intention to deceit in my own house;

I took a hint from Mr. Poe and thought of where the sock I’d stow,

I’d hide it where no one would know, in plain sight for all to see!

Upon the pile of clothes unfolden did I lay the sock beholden,

Therefore, in my heart, emboldened, in my soul, a sweet reprieve;

I saw a sock adhering to the sweater I was wearing,

just as I was then preparing, preparing, as I was, to leave.

© 1995 A. J. Palermo




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