What Are Topic Clusters?

In simple terms, topic clusters are a group of interconnected web pages. These web pages are built on one content called pillar content, which targets a wide topic. It is linked to several other related pages that provide more focused details.

Are you wondering why these are important for your website? InitiallySEO marketers used to get god results when they target a certain keyword per web page. This, however, is not the case nowadays because targeting a topic is more effective as more people want personalized results and authoritative sites.

It has been proven that targeting a certain topic, wiring a long-form content on it, structuring it for SEO and readability and making it more valuable brings better results compared to sites with few contents about the same topic.

The topic cluster approach provides several benefits to website owners these include;

  1. Audience Spend More Time On Your Site

Since there are several topic clusters, readers are likely to stick around for an extended time. This translates well on a search engine. If you manage to make the content engaging and incorporate a call to action, then most of them will convert to paying customers.

  1. One Piece Of Content Boosts The Others

If one topic is the topic cluster performs well, then others stand a chance to perform better too because they are interconnected. Internal linking is very helpful in the ranking of your website and that is what topic cluster is all about.

  1. Increased Traffic

Topic clusters help your site rank high on a search engine. This leads to increased traffic especially if your content manages to get to the first page on google search results.

Steps to Creating Topic Clusters
Building your cluster topics does not have to be complicated. There are a few steps involved, which you can easily handle by yourself. These include;

  1. Finding The Topic

Find some topics that are closely related to your brand and relevant to your brand’s goals. These could be problems that your readers face, the gap that your product fills, or topics that you want your brand to be identified with.

  1. Do Keyword Research

Research the relevant keywords to use in your content. The focus of long-tail keywords, which tends to perform better. Find as many relevant keywords as possible.

  1. Plan And Write Your Content

Determine the type of content that you are going to write. These could be web page content, blog post, video content or micro sites. Keep in mind the ultimate goal you wish to accomplish and write high quality and engaging content.

Unsure on how to go about content marketing, Anchor Digital is the best solution for this. They offer quality digital solutions services. Contact Anchor Digital today to get started.


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