Essential gardening tools and their uses for different types of gardens

Growing food in your own backyard is much easier than you think. However, that doesn’t mean you should dive into this without any preparation or knowledge. Those tomatoes or turnips aren’t going to turn up fine by magic. You’ll need to know what you’re doing. To start, you’ll have to invest in the right equipment. Here’s a list of gardening equipment and tools that you definitely must have before you start turning the soil in your backyard.

Garden Gloves

Safety first. You’ll want to protect your hands from small cuts. A good pair of sturdy garden gloves should take care of that for you. You can dig around in the dirt with ease and without any fear that you’ll scratch yourself against a rock or that you’ll end up with a cut when you grab your garden shears. Also, if you’re dealing with thorny branches or plants, these gloves will come in handy against scrapes and splinters.


You’re going to transfer some plants to another section of your garden. Or, you’re going to go around, getting a few cuttings and harvesting ripe fruit. One thing that’s going to make your rounds easier is a wheelbarrow. You can also use a cart, which might be much easier if the pathway in between your plant beds is small. Look for the right material when you pick this gardening tool. You can choose from wheelbarrows made from galvanized steel or hard plastic. For carts, plastic will be lighter, much more affordable, and much easier to carry around.

Garden Hand Trowel

You’re going to be working a lot with your hands and that’s often part of what makes gardening so relaxing as a hobby. However, you’ll need a tool to toss the soil much more efficiently than a rusted fork. That’s where a good old hand trowel comes in. Whether you’re a pro or beginner, you’ll have plenty of use for a good hand trowel. From transferring dirt to planting seedlings, this gardening tool is an excellent addition to your kit.

Digging Shovel

If you have a bigger garden, a digging shovel is going to be incredibly useful for you. You can use it for lifting, digging, and shifting soil and snow. It can also handle sand and gravel a lot easier. If you are transferring dirt from your wheelbarrow or cart, a digging shovel will make the job so much faster.

Digging Spade

A digging shovel isn’t the best option for drilling, though. You’ll need to get a digging spade for that, which is especially designed for the task. This is handy, too, for handling tight spaces and digging holes for bushes and plants. If you’ll be transporting dirt or digging in your yard, then add a digging spade to your Buy Now cart.

Garden Knife

A pair of shears are handy but they’re not always convenient. Get a garden knife. Use them for trimming strings and fruits as well as vegetable plants. The knife is easier for beginners to use so if you’re a rookie, then this is a natural choice for you.


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