When Fact, Fiction and Coffee Beans Collide

WARNING: This coffee story could cause many corporate office workers to spend countless hours researching beetles and birds. Is that a waste of time? Just stick with us, and then you can decide.

Whether you knew it or not, coffee is under constant threat from a really, really stupidly small beetle. Like, really small. The borer beetle is the main antagonist of our fictional story. And our hero: the yellow warbler—the bird that helps save coffee farms from borer beetle invasions in real life. Facts, people.

Hold on to your mug handles, folks—if you don’t think you need strong coffee to pay attention to this story, you’re going to need it for all your post-story research.

Part 1: A Short Life

She felt like she was the last coffee berry borer beetle on the farm. She needed to leave her home berry to find another, almost identical coffee berry where she could drill a hole, lay her eggs and start another infestation—effectively continuing the destruction of the coffee crop. You know, just normal, villainous beetle stuff.

Ha, she thought, we’ll finally cost this farmer thousands of dollars.

She didn’t know exactly why the financial demise of a coffee farmer mattered, since she was just a beetle, but it felt right.

She eyed her new berry, and just before taking the first step toward it, she looked up to see a large, yellow, winged creature flittering overhead. Having never left her home berry before, she found this creature captivating. It was beautiful. It was radiant. She was in love. The stunning creature was so much larger than she was, though, and only getting larger. Until it was coming right for her. Too close—too close.

She leapt off her coffee berry.

Part 2: Red and Yellow

Kevin was making his rounds, flying over the coffee plants with his buddies. They were having a good ol’ time, doing some sweet aerial tricks. Kevin had perfected the wing flip and the front flip beak dive. They’d taken a break from trying to pull off a 900 like their idol, Mr. Hawk, and decided to grab some grub. One cool thing about living near a coffee farm—lots of bugs.

Hey dude, look there, one of his friends twittered.

Nice, said Kevin.

He spun into a 720 corkscrew and snapped up the seed-sized beetle. Maybe he’d perfect that 900 sooner than he thought.

Part 3: The Farmer

Alejandro, the coffee farmer, watched the yellow warblers dive in and out of the sea of coffee plants he’d worked so hard to cultivate. They were so graceful and enchanting, not to mention super helpful in keeping the crop protected. While he ran a Fair Trade farm, Alejandro couldn’t deny that it was nice he didn’t have to pay the birds for their work.

The coffee borer beetle problem had been reduced by nearly 50%, which was super rad because the beetles were jerks anyway. Now, Alejandro could ship off the untouched harvest of coffee beans to the company that would roast them to perfection and produce quality coffee with high caffeine.

Part 4: The Caffeinated Consumer

Kate had made the choice to try a little stronger brew than usual—and it was undoubtedly the right decision. She sipped her fresh cup of joe and thought about how her coffee provided the most caffeine coffee she could deliver to her body in a single mug. She wondered, What hero made this coffee possible? It was gloriously smooth. She raised her mug to whoever she had to thank and took another sip.

The End.

By now, you’re ready for endless research about birds, beetles and coffee. You want to know more about those jerky beetles destroying coffee plants and the unsung feathered heroes of your favorite morning beverage. Alternatively, you may just want to watch the video of Tony Hawk landing the first 900 while you drink another cup of strong coffee.

Totally up to you.

About Death Wish Coffee Co.

When it’s 6 a.m. and the only thing that can get you to crawl out of bed is the thought of a strong cup of joe, Death Wish Coffee Company can give you what you need. With 300 mg of caffeine in every cup, Death Wish Coffee is the World’s Strongest Coffee made with USDA Certified Organic and Fair Trade coffee beans. In addition to their flavorful Original and Medium Roasts, they also offer excellent merchandise and a variety of other coffee beverages. If Death Wish Coffee is waiting for you in the kitchen, you can spring out of bed and enjoy every morning like it’s Christmas. Or your birthday. Or International Coffee Day—whatever gets you pumped up.

Enjoy highly caffeinated coffee that’s out-of-this-world-good at https://www.deathwishcoffee.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3wFyhYF


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