What to do After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Wisdom Teeth and the Procedure:

Wisdom teeth usually arrive in adults during the early twenties. However, it is not uncommon for someone to develop wisdom teeth in the later years of their life as well. Because these teeth arrive after the adult teeth are set, there can arise some complications sometimes. 

These wisdom teeth could grow at an angle, or straight out of the gums, which would impact the other teeth in a negative way. Such wisdom teeth are called impacted wisdom teeth, which may cause several problems including, but not limited to pain, infection, pus formation, or the chipping away of other teeth.

The removal is a relatively uncomplicated procedure. Most of the times, there are no issues that arise out of the procedure. However, the after effects and the post-op recuperation can require a fair bit of diligent care

What to Expect Post-Op

Depending on the extent of calcification of the teeth, the doctors will take their time operating on the teeth. A significant aspect of this procedure is the stretching of the mouth using a speculum, which helps in keeping the mouth open and preventing biting injuries during the entire operation. 

The obvious result is the soreness of the jaw and sometimes the side of the face that has been operated on. While this might not show immediately, you can expect it any time within a day or two. However, there is no need to worry as this generally disappears within a week as the mouth recuperates itself

The second thing that you should remember is since the doctors might cut open the gums to remove the tooth, pull it from its roots, or tear it apart from the bony walls that support the tooth, there is significant bleeding to be expected. Doctors usually give gauze pads after the operation to soothe the bleeding or ask you to bite down hard to accentuate the formation of clots. 

These clots act as manhole covers over the exposed part until new tissue forms. One of the extreme scenarios, called the dry socket, is where the clot comes off and the part of the exposed gum gives a throbbing pain or develops an infection. In that case, it is best to consult your doctor because the doctor generally dresses the place and ensures no infection prevails.

Since anesthesia is given during the surgery, it is common to experience some dizziness after the surgery. There might also be a persistent pain from the surgery because that is the body's natural response to the operation. Doctors prescribe pain medication which is likely to cause some drowsiness. Sometimes, the sutures used to close the exposed part might come off, which is common. Therefore, there is no reason to worry

Home Care for Wisdom Teeth Surgery

  • Wisdom Teeth operations can be a harrowing experience, especially considering all the pulling. It is important that you don't eat any hard or extremely solid food. 
  • Chewy foods produce saliva which only increases the chances of a blood clot breaking away. It is important to keep the gauze pad pressed on for as long as suggested. 
  • Doctors usually suggest ice packs. These are most effective when administered as soon as the surgery ends. Swelling typically occurs after 2-3 days and the Ice packs can mitigate the impact of the swelling.
  • It is also important that you drink a lot of fluids. Your nourishment intake is going to be drastically reduced because of the pain and the inability to eat solid foods which would make your body weak.
  • It is important that you don't use straws to drink because the sucking motion can break the blood clots. 
  • Exercise and radical movement must be minimized so as to speed up the process of new tissue growth. For that purpose, watch your movements, especially when getting up from a sleeping position.

Pain and swelling are common responses post-op for wisdom teeth surgeries, but in case it persists, it is best to consult your doctor. Sutures usually disintegrate by themselves, but it is advisable not to prod them with the tongue or play around with the knots.

If the sutures don't disintegrate, doctors perform a small surgery which takes less than a minute to cut them open after a week of the surgery. Protein is suggested to keep your muscle activity intact. Carbs are advised to keep your bodily functions intact for the week or ten days that the pain persists. Normally the medication should be sufficient to reduce the pain, but in case it persists, it is advisable to visit your doctor.

Get Your Third Molar Checked Out with OCMax

OCMax Surgery Center specializes in the complex procedures involving dental care and that makes us one of the ideal centers for wisdom teeth removal surgery in Orange County & Tustin area of California. A dental clinic near you for your dental checkup and oral health. Alternately can book an appointment online for your dental hygiene and checkup.


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