The Future

Snapshot 2 (7-24-2016 8-09 AM).png

You can’t help but wonder what the future of American if not the World has planned for all of us.

Joy & I have three children to guide into the future, from 20,25,35,  two girls one boy. After a weekend with a group of young University Students at our farm, I can sit back knowing we are in good hands. The cross section of America was well represented,

Hawaiian, Philipino, African American, Chinese, Kona Girl, Pacific Islander Marianas, one happy proud Mother, one old White guy from NY. You look at this short clip, no booze, no drugs, no cell phones at the table. Wonderful conversation, lots of talk story. America, the land of diversity and plenty.  Looking at the food on the table, all from Joys garden, from our Island, you have to admit, we are lucky, this is a good land.   


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