Our ancestors had to work really hard to do even a small work. But what we are doing nowadays is quite different. We don’t really need to work out physically. Everything is out there on our mobile screens and at max, what we need to do is to just click a few buttons and our task is done.

We have been seeing that one can change the temperature of the air conditioners from our mobile phones itself without using the actual remote, or one can switch off the light of the room without getting up from the bed. Have you ever wondered how all these happen? The answer to this is artificial intelligence.


What is Artificial Intelligence?


Artificial Intelligence is the work done by machines. Yes, you heard that right. The machines imitate the human behavior of performing the tasks intelligently simply by interpreting the data from the external world, learning about the information that the data is trying to provide and then using that information to complete the task.


Importance of AI in the present day:


Artificial Intelligence was brought into the picture by humans in order to reduce their efforts and time by using cost effective solutions to the problems. The decrease in human efforts is accompanied by the increase in efficiency of systems/ machines because the work pressure increases on the part of the machine.



AI is basically a combination of various fields which includes not only programming and algorithms, but also advanced mathematics, machine learning, statistics, artificial neural network and the list go on. So, one can expect that in the future, we will be seeing technology majorly based on artificial intelligence with reduced human efforts and more of machine work.


Skills required in order to have a career in AI:


l  Knowledge about computer science along with any programming language and coding.

l  Physics and Robotics

l  Engineering

l  Knowledge on various topics of mathematics - statistics, calculus, probability

l  Cognitive Science Theory

l  Bayesian Networking (also neural nets)


Career in Artificial Intelligence:


One’s career in AI depends mostly on what one is willing to do. One could be working in a private organization or in government agencies and their field of interest can vary. Some of the career options in AI include:


l  Machine Learning Engineer - This job is quite high in demand these days. People holding this position are expected to build and manage platforms for the projects based on machine learning. They are paid well.


l  People interested in medicine can have a career in AI wherein they will have to interpret the medical images, design drugs and prosthetics and also monitor and control the diagnosis.


l  These days, AI is also used in marketing as it helps to create more relevant programs in accordance with the marketing strategies.


l  Data Scientist - These people are expected to have an understanding of programming languages such as Python and SQL and also should be familiar with tools of Big Data like those of Hadoop, MapReduce, Pig etc. These people collect, analyze and interpret data sets to obtain valuable information from the data.


l  Big Data Architects


Resource Box:


If you are interested in entering the computer world, but you are still doubting your skills, then stop doing that and enter the world full of artificial intelligence and make machines work for you. Check out the data science certification for any kind of information. 





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