12 Health Benefits of Broccoli, Backed by Science (+5 Delicious Recipes to Try at Home)

I’m sure you know what broccoli looks like - it’s the green, bushy, tree-like vegetable that is frequently seen being pushed off of children’s dinner plates. There is more to this plant than that, though - it was once considered the healthiest food available. With the recent popularity of superfoods like goji berries and spirulina, broccoli has lost some of its reputation. This doesn’t mean that broccoli isn’t still an incredibly powerful vegetable that everyone should include in their diet.

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, that is jam-packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Its benefits span a wide range, from preventing cancer and heart disease to promoting energy production and metabolism. It’s not uncommon to hear tales of people who have lost weight and regained a healthy BMI by switching out unhealthy foods for lots of broccoli. It can even stop your eyesight from degrading. It’s a very powerful vegetable!

Broccoli’s birth was in ancient Rome, where it was bred from cabbage. It didn’t spread until nearly two thousand years later, when Europeans adopted the plant in the 16th century. Since then, the plant has gained widespread popularity and reverence across the world.  read more


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