Tips for Maintaining the Beauty of Stone Tile in the Home Interior

Stone tile has become the best choice for many people. Its beautiful visuals with different color patterns and strengths make people loved to use it for their home. The following are the three most common types of stone tile:


This kind of stone tile is usually found in wall fences such as lawns and garden walls. Besides the aesthetic visuals, one of the causes, why sandstone is very popular, is its ability to absorb light that can brighten the room

Lime Stone

This stone tile is usually found in areas such as living rooms or bathrooms. This stone tile is quite suitable to be mixed with minimalist sofa sets and pillows with bright and prominent colors.

Stone Tile Slate

If you like a rustic theme, you can choose the stone tile slate as an alternative. Slate is very suitable for giving classic rustic feels with its different shapes. This type of stone tile has several color choices, including red, light green, black. The most popular is the grey stone tiles.

With all its advantages, stone tiles still require treatment. Some steps need to be done to make it more durable.

In addition to the beautiful visuals, what you have to pay attention to is perseverance in caring for them. To make it simple to maintain it, before installing, it would be nice to choose the type of stone tile according to the installation location. 


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