Sarcoma Awareness Month

When you think of the month of July, there are a lot of things that come to mind. Usually, it's summer, fireworks, Fourth of July, or the beach. People don't really know or realize July dedicated to spreading awareness for sarcoma. 

Now that you know it's Sarcoma Awareness Month, let's make a difference by educating ourselves about sarcoma. Sarcoma is rare form of cancer that develops in the bones and connective tissues of the body including fat, muscles, nerves, etc. The cause of sarcoma is unknown. As this cancer can develop in multiple locations in your body, there are up to around 70 types of sarcoma. The symptoms of sarcoma include a lump on the skin, weight loss, abdominal pain, bone pain, and/or a sudden broken bone that happens unexpectedly. Treatment for sarcoma includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Let's start celebrating Sarcoma Awareness Month by researching and educating others. To make an ever bigger difference, working with non-profit organizations, fundraising for research, and raising awareness would make a lasting impact on those who are diagnosed with sarcoma. It's time to acknowledge July as Sarcoma Awareness Month!


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