Little Ways to Make Your Office Work Day So Much Better

When it comes to workdays they come in many different shapes and forms – from terrible workdays to not-so-bad workdays. Somehow the rarest are the good and easy workdays.

If you are looking for a way to improve your office workdays and in that way boost your productivity you’re in the right place. Of course, not every day can be a good workday – there will be difficult, overwhelming, and boring workdays – but there are ways to make your day at work slightly more interesting and fun.

Check out these 7 little ways that can help you make your workdays much better!

  1. Develop a morning routine

The best way to start your day is by being positive. And to be positive, you need to develop a morning routine that works for you. This means getting up early enough to fully wake up, have breakfast, or do exercises. Simply put, the morning routine sets the tone of our day.

There is nothing worse than rushing to work hungry or groggy – that’s for sure a start of a bad workday. By developing a good morning routine we can save so much energy and reduce stress. With a developed morning routine we can start our day fresh and deal with stress, we can also focus, and prioritize better.

  1. Do the hardest tasks right away

Leaving the most difficult tasks for the end of the workday is never a good idea. The best thing is dealing with the problematic or difficult tasks right at the start of the workday. Similarly, urgent tasks, as well as the tasks that take the most time and energy should also be done right away.

That way the rest of your workday will be relatively easy and you won’t have to worry about doing it later in the day.

Additionally, our brains work best in the morning, or better yet our brains deal better with stress in the morning. So, once again, the best plan is to get the hardest tasks of the day done right away.

  1. Don’t bite off more than you can chew

Sometimes the biggest mistake is putting too much on our plate and not being able to deal with it. We start our workdays optimistic and full of energy, ready to tackle whatever the day has to throw at us but the biggest problem is the to-do list.

We likely put too many things on our lists that we can’t do in one day and then we stress over it. Because of our long to-do lists, we tend to multitask in order to get more things done. And unfortunately, multitasking is something that causes stress to most of us.

Instead of doing all this to ourselves, we should try downsizing the lists and doing only the most important things on them. Start small and then work towards making a good to-do list that will bring structure to your workday without messing with your productivity.

  1. Make enough breaks during the workday

No one can work 9 hours straight without any kind of break – no matter how long your to-do list is, you need a break. Not having breaks is not only unhealthy but it can also negatively affect your productivity and focus.

Breaks are essential as they help you de-stress, recharge, and improve your performance. So, don’t skip any breaks take them all – stretch your legs, make a cup of coffee, practice deep breathing, listen to music – whatever you do to regain your energy and destress.

Take coffee breaks as an example, they have become highly important as coffee has become our fuel and an important part of workplace culture. So, next time, don’t just pass by that coffee machine, stop and make a cup of coffee – fuel yourself with energy to make the rest of your day easier!

  1. If it’s not going don’t force it 

The worst thing that you can do is force yourself to do something that just isn’t going. On some days we’re simply not on the top of our game and the simplest tasks seem impossible to do. Forcing yourself to do something that’s not going will only make it worse – you’re bound to make mistakes.

When this happens don’t force yourself to do these tasks, simply leave them for when you’re feeling ready. Unless, of course, we’re talking about some deadline or an urgent task – then try to do your best. 

  1. Asking for help is OK

Many people are afraid to admit that they need help or a different point of view. Asking for assistance is often viewed as a sign of weakness and not many people are ready to admit that they need help. 

The reality of things is that sometimes we just need some assistance. You will find yourself swamped with work that you can’t possibly get done in time – so you’ll need a helping hand. If you don’t want to be stressed and if you want your day at work to be stress-free and if you want all the important tasks to be done, you will have to learn to ask your colleagues for a bit of assistance.

  1. Organize your workspace

A messy and cluttered environment has a negative impact on our brain. If you are often stressed out and exhausted at the workplace for no apparent reason it might be because your workspace is a complete mess.

A messy workplace overwhelms our brains which in turn causes us to stress out. When we’re stressed out we can focus and be productive at work. 

To avoid causing so much stress to ourselves and to maximize our productivity levels at work – we can simply organize our workspaces. Leave only the necessary stationary on your desk, organize your drawers and papers, even decorate your office or workspace.

It will take time getting used to being organized and neat at a work – but it’ll be worth it! You’ll no longer be stressed and you’ll be able to find everything you need!

Going to work doesn’t have to be the worst part of your day. By doing these little things you can make sure that your day at work is easier and better. It doesn’t take much to be less anxious at work – just take that coffee break, organize your workspace, or wake up earlier in the morning. It’s really little things that make any day better!


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