How to stick to your exercise regime

Do you struggle with sticking to your exercise regime? Follow these tips to make exercise an important part of your normal day!

Anyone who joined a gym in their life will be able to tell you that it’s easy to start an exercise regime. Sticking to it throughout your life? Not so easy. Here are some tips to help you make exercise part of your life – and keep up with it!

  • Be realistic

    First of all, it’s important to realize that you won’t get instant results from an exercise regime. We tend to overdo it during the first couple of weeks and then become demotivated when we don’t notice results immediately. Go slowly at first and you will be more likely to stick to a routine. 

  • Don’t be thrown off when your routine changes

    Moving office buildings and suddenly you can’t pop into the neighborhood gym? Have a busy week filled with massive deadlines? Make exercise flexible to such an extent that your regime won’t be affected by a change in your normal routine. Tell yourself that it’s okay to replace your gym session with another activity such as walking. Keep exercise part of your day by setting aside as little as 30 minutes per day. 

    Don’t commit immediately

  • When you first start to incorporate exercise immediately, don’t be tempted to sign up for an annual contract at the fanciest gym just yet. Many gyms offer day passes and entry to some classes without a binding contract. Explore until you find a form of exercise you genuinely enjoy.

  • Don’t do it just for weight loss

    A surefire way to set yourself up for failure is to regard exercise as merely a weight-loss aid. The scale might not correspond immediately and you could be demotivated very quickly if weight loss is your only goal. Remind yourself of all the long-term health benefits if you struggle to keep focused.


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