# National Denim Day. It's more than a material

What do you know about Denim day? Would you believe it is a day to celebrate the wonders of denim or could you believe that it is the act of spreading awareness for an important cause? No one likes denim that much to give it a real national day. 

Denim day is much more than just about wearing denim... it is a social movement to help address the unfairness of the world. Where just because a pair of jeans were "tight" meant she would consent to such a disturbing act from her instructor. How can you do that to another human being... What if she was your mother, daughter, sister, cousin, girlfriend or even your wife... Would you be okay with that excuse/reason for her being taken advantage of... don't think so. 

My hope for the world is to change the way we look at blaming people for your own personal mistakes. It is your wrongful action that caused you to be in the situation, don’t blame the survivor in any way possible. You have to be a mentally unstable person to think that harming another person is any way their fault. In no way should someone ever commit such a violating crime in the first place. 

Will you be someone who supports the survivor or someone who supports the attacker. So I ask you, will you make a statement today? 

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. 


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