What are proxies and why are they needed

What are proxies

Proxies are a type of web connection that helps users bypass network filtering by changing the user's IP address. They are also known as anonymous IP address, which serves to hide the actual IP address and physical location of the web user.

A proxy server acts as a gateway between the user and the Internet. However, the question arises, why do we need a proxy? One of the main answers to this question is privacy, as proxy servers will allow you to use the Internet anonymously as they hide your real IP address.

Understanding the anonymous IP address

Let's take a look at this with an example: suppose the purchase was made in Nigeria using a VISA Business card from the United States. This sounds suspicious to card issuers and store owners. The store owner can take action to confirm or reject the transaction.

The fraudster will then use an anonymous IP address to pretend that the purchase was made at the location of the payment card holder. In addition, after making a payment or transaction on the Internet, the buyer's IP address is recorded.

The IP address contains a lot of confidential information. It can easily identify the computer used in the crime, the actual address of the computer and even its owner. After any cybercrime occurs, the first step for investigators is to trace the IP address.

Scammers use proxies to hide their actual location in order to avoid criminal prosecution.

What are the proxy servers

All Internet devices have a unique IP address to communicate with other resources on the Internet. We now use proxies to stay anonymous on the Internet. Proxy servers have their own IP address, which ensures the anonymity of users on the Internet. The following types of proxies are common:

Transparent proxies are the weakest of these. It acts as a server that intercepts the connection between the device and the Internet. When using this proxy server, the actual IP address of the user is displayed. Transparent proxies are not used by hackers or scammers, they are usually used by parents and employers.

Artificial proxy servers in data centers are stored in data centers around the world. They are popular with business scraping companies. These proxies are fast and stable, but websites can identify them and block access to their websites. Therefore, for more complex tasks, companies prefer to use resident proxies.

Residential proxies are legal IP addresses, which means that their real IP addresses are tied to a physical location. These proxies offer low blocking rates, which is why they are widely used. You can find personal IPv4 proxies on thehttps://proxy-seller.com website.

Anonymous proxies are relatively more difficult to detect than transparent proxies. These proxies act as privacy protections between computers and the Internet. It provides a partial level of anonymity, but is still detectable and even tracked by some websites. Anonymous IPs are a powerful tool for surfing the net without leaving any traces of users. Scammers mainly use it to create fake accounts.

Elite Proxies, also known as high anonymity proxies, provide complete anonymity to their users. These connections do not manifest themselves as proxy servers through connection signatures, which is why they are widely used by fraudsters to commit cybercrime. When someone connects to this proxy, the server does not receive any information about the actual IP address. Moreover, he cannot even detect that the scammers have established a connection through a proxy.

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. A VPN also connects you to a remote computer on the network, but it's not really a proxy. Although VPNs redirect traffic through the remote server, hiding your IP address. They redirect all traffic from browsers and background apps. VPNs encrypt traffic between your device and the Internet, routing your connection through a server of your choice, not through your ISP. VPNs are usually faster than proxies.

How proxies are used

Proxies are used for more than just fraudulent activities. Their main purpose is to use them for good. By functionality, proxies are used:

  • Individuals and companies use proxy servers for more confidential Internet access.
  • Proxies help increase speed and conserve network bandwidth by compressing traffic.
  • Proxy servers help block malware, spyware, and other types of viruses from infecting systems.

How do scammers use proxies?

By now, we know that proxy servers provide partial or even complete anonymity for users. Fraudsters use them to protect their identity for the most cybercrime.

The proxy effectively hides their real identity and makes them look like someone with a unique email address and location. It is easier to commit a scam without being detected, since the hackers appear as different users each time.


Do not use proxy servers to commit illegal activities. You will be found anyway. Use a proxy for loyal anonymity, speed increase, and other legitimate tasks listed in the article.


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