My Favorite Horror YouTuber...

Matthew Santoro is a YouTuber that complies lists on different topics. His best videos? Horror.

Santoro's channel is full of "10" lists of different topics including "10 Cases of Alien Abduction," "10 Most Incredible Archeological Discoveries in History," and, most recently, "10 NASA Space Tapes They Don’t Want You to See." Although there are multiple topics, his most popular lists are those of horror, the paranormal, and true crime. His voice is oddly soothing and creepy simultaneously and makes the viewing experience very pleasant. That's where he gets you! He lulls you into a sense of safety, then he hits you with a jump-scare. The bad part? He doesn't always do them; he used to do them almost every scary-themed video, but now, he just leaves us searching the comments before watching to see if there is a jump-scare.

Even his thumbnails are spooky!

Yeah, stuff of nightmares.

Oddly enough, when I can't sleep, I watch his videos to help me get to sleep. Even during my panic attacks, his videos of 50 random facts help calm me down.

He had to take a break a while back to handle his mental health, and now he's back and better than ever!

Happy spookiness!


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